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>> Monday, April 16, 2012

Ok, I'm back home after 9 days of lovely vacation, and I have a huge make-it list for this month.

Stay tuned for:
- baby wipes
- lip balm
- deodorant
- stain remover
- etc

...just to name a few.

Supplies should be delivered this week while I get myself organized.

I am going to try to take photos of the process and post each one as I make it.  I am in the market for a new camera after mine died on vacation at the beach.  I have a crappy old 2006 backup that I can use until I find a replacement.

I also will make a page of links to make-it posts, as well as links to the original inspirations where possible.

Stay tuned!  A lot is happening in the last half of this month!


Wu-zy Whatsit April 16, 2012 at 1:22 PM  

So exciting! What recipe are you using for the wipes? I use this one: http://pinterest.com/pin/251849804131949068/
and I like it best of all the wipes recipes I've found, but I'm always on the prowl for news ones to try so I can find the perfect one! :)

Wu-zy Whatsit April 16, 2012 at 1:23 PM  

Oops, I meant to give you the link to the blog itself, not to my pin: http://www.whitehouseblackshutters.com/2010/03/homemade-organic-baby-wipes.html

The Spicy Chickadee April 16, 2012 at 3:49 PM  

Actually that's the one I was going to use, so nothing new there, I'm afraid.

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